
Now & Then

"Present views from my current home of all those places I've ever lived in"

This is the first exercise I've done at Slade about the proposed theme "Now & Then". I was more interested in the way both words can meet or get overlapped than in considering the interval of time in between. As I have recently moved to another place for the fifth time in less than three years, I wanted to create a sort of journey along these years through the images of the houses I've lived in. The result is a sequence of photographs of both the Google view of each past place and the window of my current bedroom. I wanted to create a common space for the outside and the inside but also for the past and the present. All the old locations can be search on Google maps by typing the postcodes, except my current one that is not reveiled.

* Click on the image to enlarge


Trompe l'oeil

These are some pictures that I took a while ago in Brighton. Many restaurants had their windows covered by the image of what was supposed to be the interior.

After this "discovery" I came accross a company - www.couturedeco.com- that prints images on a specific fabric in order to make "trompe l'oeils" for our homes. The result is amazing and scary at the same time.

* What's happening here??


Vito Acconci, "RE:", 1960


"Dos Espacios"

Finally, the last work regarding our research on the cursor. Part of the project "Aquí / Allí" ("Here / There")


window with(in) a window

This is the first sample for the construction of our third image part of the project "Strategies for a contemporary landscape's configuration"

It shows the appearance of the webcam interface and its relationship with the concept of window. The first image depicts the "Hebden House" (part of the Kingsland Estate next to the London canal) Part of those flats have been shut down due to unknown reasons for me so far. The image on top is the window of my bedroom, placed where the fourth window should be. So that, it creates an open space or an imaginary tunnel between two spaces that don't have anything to do in first place.


Our work on the "cursor" is on show at OTR in Madrid.



Bridge/Location bar

To go to
To come from
To be in...

We are developing a project regarding the configuration of the contemporary landscape. We made a connection between the idea of bridges and the location toolbar of a web browser. Here it is an example of the images that will inform the whole project.


My Work your Eyes

"My work your eyes" is a project by Bionica focused on the promotion of emerging artists. It will consist in the projection of many works by artists from any background in different places accross Madrid. Silvia and I are involved in it.