
“Horizon Line/ Line of Screen”

According to the modern thinking the sea was related to a contemplative moment and it was considered as the suitable scenario to experience the “sublime” of nature. That “immensity” of the ocean used to scare and appeal the subject at the same time, as it imposed a limit to his understanding.

Nowadays, technology has brought a destabilization in the way we experience the world and the relationships. Everything is mediated by the screen. In the essay “The Narrator”, Walter Benjamin tells the difference between the concepts of “information” and “narration”. In a similar way, we could distinguish between the concepts of “tourist” and “traveler/sailor”. So that, “sailing” that used to involve a travel, becomes a paradox in these days. We “surf” the network but we are still tourists in our own environment. We don’t travel anymore as we have seen everything before, from our place and trough the screen. Gradually, the world seems to become an image, which has neither location nor body.

“Horizon Line/ Line of Screen” establishes a new contemporary limit and a metaphor. Everything is closer and further and this new conception of distance constitutes our landscape.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...un Dalí Minimalista !! jajaja