
Line of Horizon/ Line of Screen

The horizon means "to limit" (in ancient greek) It's , apparently, the line that separates earth from sky, but as well, the line where they both meet. Indeed, by this idea, we locate ourselves in the world because this imaginary line involves a spherical Earth surface.

The sea can remind us of landscapes of the XVIII century (theory of sublime) but also the idea of sailing and therefore, the quote "surfing the network" related to the Internet.

Considering the border of a laptop as a line, we can establish a new relationship between physical and virtual world. On the Internet we feel free to go from one "place" to another, to talk to whoever at a distance, etc. However, we lose the reference of that there is "outside".

The work analyses the importance of looking at the contemporary times from a critical point of view, by assuming and understanding how technology changes our experiences.


silvia said...

1 line of horizon

2 something has been happening/has happened

3 line of screen

...it appeared

Anonymous said...

info sin importancia
notimportantadditionalinformation of nº3

multitud (?crowd)

el nº de puntos que se necesitan para localizar un punto en el mapa
(?the needed points, to allocate one point on mape)